

Sobre o filme

Beshay, a man who was cured of leprosy, has never left the isolated colony, in the Egyptian desert, where he was abandoned when he was a child. After the death of his wife, the man finally decides to board on a journey to find his roots. Accompanied by his donkey and by Obama, a young orphan, Beshay crosses Egypt hoping to find a family, a place to belong and a little humanity.

Título original: YOMEDDINE

Ano: 2018

Classificação: General Audience

Duração: 97 min

Gênero: Fiction

País: Egypt, United States, Austria

Tags: old age, come back home, travel, friendship, family

Cor: cor

Direção: A. B. Shawky

Roteiro: A. B. Shawky

Fotografia: Federico Cesca

Montagem: Erin Greenwell

Elenco: Rady Gamal, Ahmed Abdelhafiz, Shahira Fahmy

Produtor: Dina Emam

Produção: Desert Highway Pictures

Música: Omar Fadel

Distribuição: Imovision