

Sobre o filme

Cecile is a spoiled young girl living with her father, Raymond, a rich widower who only thinks about having fun. When Raymond decides to marry Anne, a very conservative woman who disapproves of the romance between Cecile and Philippe, the girl’s routine changes completely. Restored by The Museum of Modern Art with funding provided by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and The Film Foundation.

Título original: BONJOUR TRISTESSE

Ano: 1958

Classificação: General Audiences

Duração: 94 min.

Gênero: Fiction

País: United States

Cor: cor & PB


Roteiro: Arthur Laurents

Fotografia: Georges Perinal

Montagem: Helga Cranston

Elenco: Deborah Kerr, David Niven, Jean Seberg, Mylène Demongeot, Geoffrey Horne

Produtor: Otto Preminger, John Palmer

Produção: Otto Preminger Films