
The Great Synthesis of Pietro Ubaldi (2009)

Sobre o filme

A look back at the life of the Italian Christian Universalist Pietro Ubaldi (1886 – 1972). In 1952, he moved to Brazil, intent on finishing the work he had started in 1931 made up of 24 books bringing together science and religion. At the time, his work was condemned by the Catholic Church’s Holy Office. Considering themes such as reincarnation, spiritual evolution, life after death and mediumship, the books were received through inspiration and represent the synthesis of knowledge in the areas of science (non-agnostic), philosophy (non-partisan), and religion (non-sectarian). In other countries, Ubaldi’s work received much praise from Albert Einstein and physicist Enrico Fermi. In Brazil, he won the respect and admiration of Monteiro Lobato, Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Chico Xavier. The film is narrated by actor Paulo Goulart.

Título original: A Grande Síntese de Pietro Ubaldi

Ano: 2009

Duração: 83

Gênero: Documentary

País: Brazil

Cor: color e p&b


Roteiro: Jorge Damas Martins

Fotografia: Oceano Vieira de Melo

Produtor: Oceano Vieira de Melo