
White Bear (2008)

Sobre o filme

This is the story of El Oso Blanco, the biggest and most feared prison in the Caribbean, and the birthplace of today’s two most notorious prison gangs of Puerto Rico`s institutional system, "Associación Neta" and "Los 27". In this documentary, you will hear the story of Angel Feliciano, a.k.a "El Jíbaro", the oldest prisoner in the system today, serving 48 years in the institution. Inside, he served as bodyguard to the notorious Carlos Torres Iriarte (a.k.a "La Sombra"), who founded and was the leader of Associación Neta. There have been hundreds of unsolved murders and over 70 unfound bodies in this institution. This will be the only cinematographic document of their story before the prison’s.

Título original: Oso Blanco

Ano: 2008

Duração: 83 minutos

País: United States

Cor: color, digital


Roteiro: Christian Suau, Ramiro Millan

Produtor: Donald K. Ranvaud, Silvio Sardi