
The Sun (2005)

Sobre o filme

On August 15, 1945, for the first time in their lives, the Japanese hear the voice of the Emperor exorting his army and his people to put an end to the hostilities. This permitted the Americans to disembark on the Japanese islands without encountering resistance. The request by the Emperor contributes to save many lives, but the winners demand that Hirohito appear before a war court. General McArthur, commander of the American troops in the south Pacific, advises President Franklin Roosevelt against making Hirohito a war criminal. The film is the third of a tetralogy on men in power beginning with Moloch (1999, selection for the 23rd Mostra), on Adolf Hitler, and, in sequence, Taurus (2001, 26th Mostra) focusing on the leader of the Russian Revolution, Vladimir Lenin.

Título original: Solnze

Ano: 2005

Duração: 110 minutos

País: Russia

Cor: color, 35mm


Roteiro: Yury Arabov

Fotografia: Aleksandr Sokúrov

Elenco: Issey Ogata, Robert Dawson, Kaori Momoi, Shiri Samo

Produtor: Igor Kalenov, Andrey Sigle, Marco Müller

Música: Andrey Sigle