
The Day God Walked Away (2009)

Sobre o filme

Rwanda, April 1994. During the first days of the genocide, westerners escape the country. Before being evacuated, a Belgian family finds a hiding place for Jacqueline, their young nanny, in the attic. Despite the horror taking place outside, Jacqueline lives her hideout to find her way back to her village and her children, only to find their lifeless bodies among the dead. Cast out from her home and the village, hunted like an animal, she seeks refuge in the forest.

Título original: Le Jour Où Dieu Est Parti En Voyage

Ano: 2009

Duração: 100

Gênero: Fiction

País: France

Cor: color, 35mm


Roteiro: Philippe van Leeuw

Fotografia: Marc Koninckx

Produtor: Patrick Quinet

Música: Annonciata Kamaliza