
Lula: La Gestion de L’espoir (2005)

Sobre o filme

After his election for President Luís Inácio Lula da Silva began his government with promises that he would implement social, economic, and political change. As in a road-movie, director Gonzalo Arijon retraces Lula?s itinerary from Pernambuco where he was born, to Brasília, passing through São Paulo where he was President of the Metal Workers Union - a route that coincides with that of millions of poor Brazilians. The documentary follows along with facts until the last Social Forum in Porto Alegre, in January, 2005.

Título original: Lula: La Gestion de L’espoir

Ano: 2005

Duração: 60 minutos

País: France

Cor: color, betacam