
Kon Kon (2010)

Sobre o filme

Exploring the forgotten meaning of the ancient names, the documentary recovers an erased cultural memory and creates new bridges between the ancestral and the avant-garde. Con Con is located at the mouth of the Aconcagua River whose source is the glacier of Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in the Western Hemisphere. Named for the oldest deity of the Andes, the god Kon, it may have been a sacred oracle site for millennia and associated with the most renowned oracle site in the Americas: Pachacamac, located on the coast of Peru.

Título original: Kon Kon

Ano: 2010

Duração: 61 min.

Gênero: Documentary

País: Chile

Cor: cor


Roteiro: Cecilia Vicuña

Fotografia: Guillermo González

Montagem: Patricio Muñoz

Produtor: Cecilia Vicuña

Música: José Pérez de Arce