
Construction (0)

Sobre o filme

The path of two characters separated by life who meet for the first time in cinema. Branca, three years old, daughter of the director Carolina Sá, travels to Cuba to meet the home land of her father. Marcos de Vasconcellos, Carolina’s father, has lived and worked as a writer and architect in Rio de Janeiro at the 60’s, recording the major events of his life. Through the registers of the past and present, the film intertwines images and words in a journey through the affections that build our relations with those we love.

Título original: Construção

Ano: 0

Duração: 70 min.

Gênero: Documentary

País: Brazil

Cor: color & PB


Roteiro: Carolina Sá, Frederico Coelho

Fotografia: Marcos de Vasconcellos, David Pacheco, Carolina Sá

Montagem: Marilia Moraes

Produtor: Walter Salles, Patricia Pillar, Gabriela Figueiredo,Carolina Sá

Produção: Doralice Produções e Samba Filmes

Música: René Ferrer