
Spoils of War (1999)

Sobre o filme

Throughout all of the military dictatorship in Argentina, there were always opponents to the regime who insistently brought turmoil to society, and who soon met with allies the world over. After the coup against Isabel Perón, in 1976, when the government was under control of a military junta with General Jorge Videla, the "Praza de Mayo Mothers" began to meet regularly, clamoring for their missing sons and daughters. October 1977 saw the establishment of a new group: the "Plaza de Mayo Grandmothers", also in search of their grandchildren, abducted by the dictators, or born in cells and separated at birth from their true mothers. Many of these women are still in search of their family, even today. In interviews recorded in Argentina, Spain, and Switzerland, the grandmothers go back over the atrocities they were witness to during the course of the dictatorship. The film focuses on the struggle for the grandmothers and the trauma to their grandchildren, found and restored to their respective families. These were youngsters deprived of childhood.

Título original: Botín de Guerra

Ano: 1999

Duração: 116 minutos

País: Argentina

Cor: colorido


Roteiro: Luisa Irene Ickowicz, David Blaustein

Fotografia: Marcelo Iaccarino

Montagem: Juan Carlos Macias

Produtor: David Blaustein, Gerardo Herrero, Mariela Besuievsky