
Imagem de Poster - Mostra de Cinema


Sobre a mostra

Artwork by Paulo de Andrade

The great outcome from the 1st Mostra aroused high expectations. It also made the Mostra become a political instrument to challenge the military regimes with freedom of expression. The Festival wanted to show Cuban productions, not to show any support, but to defy the dictatorship that forbid any contact, even by phone, with the island. They were however, fooled by Embratel (a government-owned company back then), which summoned the Genebra Convention on the right to communication between countries, and so contact with Cuba was permitted. One of the films selected was “La Ultima Ceia” by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea that won the Public Choice Award. Paulo de Andrade was this year`s chosen artist for all of Mostra`s artwork.

Winner | Editorial